Earlier this month, Chisholm Catholic College’s staff and students gathered to…
Earlier this month, Chisholm Catholic College’s staff and students gathered to celebrate the school’s Feast Day – honouring Caroline Chisholm, the College’s Patron. The day focused on celebrating 35 years as a Catholic College by highlighting aspects of Chisholm’s values and heritage. The College began by welcoming Auxiliary Bishop of…
St Helena’s Catholic Primary School recently marked a significant milestone –…
St Helena’s Catholic Primary School recently marked a significant milestone – its 25th birthday! Opening in 1999, St Helena’s has provided the Ellenbrook community with a quality, Catholic education for a quarter of a century. To mark the occasion, the school community came together for a week-long celebration filled with…
Liwara Catholic Primary School in Greenwood marked 50 years with a…
Liwara Catholic Primary School in Greenwood marked 50 years with a special ceremony and tour of the school attended by members of Catholic Education WA Executive, CECWA Chair, Eva Skira, neighbouring Principals, parents, and students both past and present. Attendees were treated to a fantastic musical performance from the school’s…