Put children first by providing fairer funding for Catholic schools.


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  • Chisholm Catholic College Celebrates 35th Anniversary

    Earlier this month, Chisholm Catholic College’s staff and students gathered to…

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    Earlier this month, Chisholm Catholic College’s staff and students gathered to celebrate the school’s Feast Day – honouring Caroline Chisholm, the College’s Patron. The day focused on celebrating 35 years as a Catholic College by highlighting aspects of Chisholm’s values and heritage. The College began by welcoming Auxiliary Bishop of…

  • City-Country Partnerships Programme brings together St Mary’s College Broome and Chisholm Catholic College

    Chisholm Catholic College recently hosted 18 students and five staff from…

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    Chisholm Catholic College recently hosted 18 students and five staff from St Mary’s College, Broome as part of the City-Country Partnerships Programme. The Programme supports the establishment of formal partnerships between high-performing schools and remote schools with a high proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. The two schools,…