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13 Sep 2024

Australia-first environmental certification for Mary’s Mount Primary School

Mary’s Mount Primary School in Gooseberry Hill has hosted an inaugural Earthcare Expo to celebrate it becoming the first in Australia to obtain the Catholic Earth Care Level 5 achievement.

According to Catholic Earthcare, a Level 5 Catholic Earthcare School ‘has undergone a profound ecological conversion, is living an ecological vocation and is enabling change by animating others’.

Representatives from 12 schools across Perth gathered at Mary’s Mount Primary School on 11 September for the expo with exhibitions and educational speakers on sustainability topics including litter prevention, the principles of ‘reduce, reuse, recycle,’ wildlife conservation, biodiversity enhancement, bush regeneration, water conservation, and the integration of Aboriginal perspectives on connection to Country, among many others.

Mary’s Mount Primary School Principal, Emma Bell said:

“At Mary’s Mount Primary School, we deeply connect with our shared responsibility to care for our common home, guided by hope and the conviction that change is possible. As Pope Francis urges, we must act boldly and compassionately, advocating for both the environment and the vulnerable communities. Embracing this call to action, our Year 3 student Will Harper reminds us that ‘…at MMPS, we are courageous and brave, always ready to try new things.”

Wayne Bull, Catholic Education WA Executive Director said:

“This is a wonderful achievement for the Mary’s Mount Primary School community, and a shining example of Catholic schools being outstanding schools where students are encouraged to care for the world in which they live.

“I warmly congratulate Principal, Emma Bell and the students and staff on this achievement.”

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