Earlier this month, Chisholm Catholic College’s staff and students gathered to…
Earlier this month, Chisholm Catholic College’s staff and students gathered to celebrate the school’s Feast Day – honouring Caroline Chisholm, the College’s Patron. The day focused on celebrating 35 years as a Catholic College by highlighting aspects of Chisholm’s values and heritage. The College began by welcoming Auxiliary Bishop of…
Mary’s Mount Primary School in Gooseberry Hill has hosted an inaugural…
Mary’s Mount Primary School in Gooseberry Hill has hosted an inaugural Earthcare Expo to celebrate it becoming the first in Australia to obtain the Catholic Earth Care Level 5 achievement. According to Catholic Earthcare, a Level 5 Catholic Earthcare School ‘has undergone a profound ecological conversion, is living an ecological…
St Helena’s Catholic Primary School recently marked a significant milestone –…
St Helena’s Catholic Primary School recently marked a significant milestone – its 25th birthday! Opening in 1999, St Helena’s has provided the Ellenbrook community with a quality, Catholic education for a quarter of a century. To mark the occasion, the school community came together for a week-long celebration filled with…
Liwara Catholic Primary School in Greenwood marked 50 years with a…
Liwara Catholic Primary School in Greenwood marked 50 years with a special ceremony and tour of the school attended by members of Catholic Education WA Executive, CECWA Chair, Eva Skira, neighbouring Principals, parents, and students both past and present. Attendees were treated to a fantastic musical performance from the school’s…
St Joseph’s School in Waroona welcomed hundreds of young scientists from…
St Joseph’s School in Waroona welcomed hundreds of young scientists from nine schools for a day of STEM in early August. The school were awarded a National Science Week grant to host a ‘STEMathon’ for people in the Peel and Southwest regions. The STEMathon is one of only five projects…
Chisholm Catholic College recently hosted 18 students and five staff from…
Chisholm Catholic College recently hosted 18 students and five staff from St Mary’s College, Broome as part of the City-Country Partnerships Programme. The Programme supports the establishment of formal partnerships between high-performing schools and remote schools with a high proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. The two schools,…
Good Shepherd Catholic School in Lockridge has discovered reading books really…
Good Shepherd Catholic School in Lockridge has discovered reading books really brings so much joy and excitement to students, staff and school community. This year the school once again participated in the Premier’s Reading Challenge, having received the 2022 and 2023 Premier’s Reading Challenge award, category 401-600 students. Over 92%…
Padbury Catholic Primary School held a Djooroobidiny Aboriginal education event on…
Padbury Catholic Primary School held a Djooroobidiny Aboriginal education event on 27 June, to celebrate the vibrant indigenous culture, history, and knowledge within their school community. Guests included Caitlin Collins MLA, Member for Hillarys, and members of CEWA’s Aboriginal Education team, Sandra Brogden, Heather Carter-Sullivan and Sharna Palmer. Students from…
Australian sign language (Auslan) is gradually being imbedded as a second…
Australian sign language (Auslan) is gradually being imbedded as a second language at Orana Catholic Primary School – thanks to the vision of staff and parents who are dedicated to making the school a more inclusive environment. Classes from Pre-primary to Year 6 learn Auslan for 50 minutes per week….
Majella Catholic Primary School, known for its rich cultural diversity, has…
Majella Catholic Primary School, known for its rich cultural diversity, has taken a significant step in fostering growth and learning among its students with the launch of new multilingual resourcing of its Library. With 90 per cent of their students coming from Language Backgrounds other than English (LBOTE), the introduction…