for improvement, and celebrating their successes. Biology students did experiments together to collect data for future work.
A St Luke’s College student said, “I have been to a couple of open days, but today allowed me to spend some time chatting with the universities about my options for next year in a smaller group which was a great opportunity.”
“It was great to have the ability to meet my classmates and my teacher. Getting exam feedback and being able to ask questions in person was a massive positive of today,” said a Kearnan College student.
“Today was a great way to meet my class, communicate about struggles and successes, and share experiences and find solutions together,” said a Seton Catholic College student.
Another Kearnan College student remarked, “The ViSN day was a worthwhile experience that allowed me to take on advice, that wouldn’t have been said over a Teams call, to take into the last semester of year 12 and my WACE exams that will hopefully improve my results and ATAR score.”
ViSN provides students with the opportunity to engage in studies not available at their own school and in doing so, helps them build their technology skills, their ability to work independently and expands their network in the Catholic Education WA (CEWA) system. Online learning is of particular benefit in transitioning to further study, especially university, where more and more courses are being delivered online.