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21 Apr 2024

Something brewing at Mandurah Catholic College

The opening of an onsite café at Mandurah Catholic College in February 2024, has already proven a success by giving students a newfound confidence, and the opportunity to learn skills they can apply to the workplace once they leave school.

The baristas at Café Kaya are all students from Years 10 to 12, with differing abilities and they are ready to brew. The teaching staff who act as café managers, or team members, have undergone barista training at TAFE.

Dubbed ‘Café Kaya’, this initiative was inspired by the the Bindjareb Nyungar word which translates to a ‘welcome blessing,’ and developed as part of the Lifeskills Programme.

Principal Troy Francesconi believes the cafe will provide valuable experience in a completely supportive environment.

“Café Kaya will give our wonderful young people an opportunity to be part of a vibrant team in a realistic workplace setting. Apart from brewing, they can also develop new skills such as teamwork and communication, customer service and time management.

“They will have similar responsibilities that other teenagers their age have in their part time jobs. More importantly, the programme will raise their confidence and provides a great opportunity to prepare them for the future.”

Founder of the initiative and, Head of Learning Support Secondary, Nicole Ovens said the aim of the programme is to equip students with valuable life skills and competencies that they can help them discern and find meaningful employment opportunities when they leave school.

“It is an enriching experience for the students who enjoy engaging and developing their conversational skills in a natural environment, without the constraints of the classroom. They can prompt and begin conversations, which builds their confidence. It also allows them to see another side to their teachers and Educational Assistants in a different environment.

Student Shaylah, Year 11 said her experience serving at Café Kaya has sparked her interest to work at a café, once she leaves school.

“I love being able to work with my friends and seeing how happy our work makes everyone when they are sipping on their coffees. I’d encourage all students who can , to take part in this programme.

“Once we are comfortable with the current arrangements, I’d like to see smoothies and milkshakes added to our menu.”

Noah, Year 12, said he gets excited using the coffee machine and learning new skills on the job.

“Our café is very beautiful and inviting. If we could add anything to the menu, I would suggest more variety of coffees like ice coffee, frappes and more.”

Isabella, Year 10 said being able to bake the cookies that accompany the coffees are the highlight of her tasks. She wants to take up a barista course at TAFE in Year 11 to further increase her skills.

“I’d love for our café to have more students to help out then we can open for more days.”

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