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30 Apr 2024

Shrek the musical brings Seton community together

Seton Catholic College delivered a musical nothing short of extraordinary. The 5-day sold out performances of ‘Shrek – The Musical’, had audiences collectively describing the Musical as a ‘faithful adaptation and a love-letter to all things musical theatre.’

Tom, Year 8 played the roles of Young Shrek, White Rabbit and, Dulor.

“Shrek, the humorous and adventurous musical, has inspired me and this experience has been a

wonderful time of my life that I will never forget. My highlights include when we all came together in the final scene to dance and sing and when I first walked on the stage, I felt pride flow through my body as I was standing on the stage and doing what I loved in front of a crowd.

“Over the whole 6-month period of practicing and rehearsing, I felt like I was continuing to improve my acting, dancing, and singing skills. My fellow peers and teachers helped me to reach my full potential. This process has also made me a more confident performer and person.”

Aisha, Year 12, played the roles of Gingy, Sugar Plum Fairy, Mama Ogre, Knight echoed similar sentiments adding that being a part of the production gave her the opportunity to make long-lasting friendships with people she would not have otherwise had the chance to connect with.

Isabella, Year 10, who played the role of Donkey, said she made it a point to study original actor Eddie Murphy’s portrayal as part of her preparation.

“I learned a lot about looking at situations through my character’s perspective, exploring what their reactions would be and understanding their mindset throughout the entire show. The show brought together the cast and created so many life-long bonds between me and my castmates. I am eternally grateful for the opportunities Seton provides me through the arts and cannot wait for the next musical!”

Originally produced on Broadway by DreamWorks Theatricals and Neal Street Productions, the College entrusted Travis Dark (drama teacher), Adelaide Buchanan (Head of Arts), Tess Howleson and Nicole Leece (choreographers) Krispin Maesalu (external Musical Director), Chive Shilling (Art Technician), Winston Addon and Paula Mondlane (costumes) to head a team and deliver an impressive production, supporting the 26-person cast.

Mr Dark explained the criteria’s the team went through when picking the musical for this year.

“We wanted the show to have a broad family-friendly appeal so that every age group can enjoy it. Shrek has a hilarious script, it’s a popular movie with huge appeal so it was immediately something everyone could get excited about. Also, due to the size of our space, Shrek suited a design that merged projection and practical set pieces well while not losing any of its magic. Finally, its’ songs are catchy and accessible for our singers and the show allows for us to play to the strengths of our Drama and Dance programs.”

Acting Principal, Jason Edmunds was proud of all involved in the making of the musical, adding that the shared community experience created a deeper connection, a buzz and excitement within the College.

“I am continually astounded by the level of professionalism these productions. We had students from Years 7 to 12 (who started the audition process in August last year) who rehearsed tirelessly during weekdays, on weekends, and during the holidays. They created special bonds across year levels throughout the process of rehearsals, and benefited from the guidance and expertise passed on from our exemplary arts staff.

“It was also nice to see over 50 crew members work behind the scenes and have our media students contribute to the show. Shows the community spirit we are proud to uphold.”

The musical was held at Seton Catholic College De Vialar Theatre from 13 to 16 March.

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