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29 Mar 2024

Jesus’ ‘Way of the Cross’ portrayed by St Jude students

Embracing the values of compassion, forgiveness and selflessness, as portrayed in the school’s ‘Making Jesus Real’ program, Year 6 students of St Jude’s Catholic Primary School presented a prayerful and reflective tableau titled ‘By the Cross,’ recounting the final moments in the life of Jesus before dying on the Cross.

The gathering included parent, staff and student audiences, who were visibly moved by the performance.

Joshuah Noel O’Malley who was selected to play the role of Jesus said this humbling experience helped him discover Jesus on a deeper level, while learning new acting skills on the go.

“I was full of gratitude when I was selected to play the role of Jesus in the tableau. During my time preparing for the Stations of the Cross dramatisation, I’ve learnt various things about the life of Jesus and many inspiring lessons that were demonstrated by Jesus such as never giving up.

“Overall, I’ve had so much fun acting in the Stations of the Cross dramatisation with my peers and playing the role of Jesus in the tableau.

“I believe that the true meaning of Easter is about the unconditional love that Jesus gives us and the purpose and goodwill he has for us. For the forgiveness of our sins, Jesus dies on the cross to show truly how much he loves and cares for us.”

Student actor Sofia Bradford added,

“Taking part in the Stations of the Cross was a great experience that involved everyone. It didn’t matter how big or small a role was, everyone enjoyed this tableau of The Easter Story.

“Participating made me feel as though I could understand the pain Jesus suffered through execution. This was a great play and I hope next year other children will enjoy it as much as I did.

“For me Easter is about Jesus’ love and respect for us. Jesus sacrificed his life for us and it makes me feel very blessed.”

Assistant Principal Graham Maher said it was ‘incredibly moving’ to see these young students bring such a powerful story to life and the performance helped everyone prepare better for the events of the Holy Week.

“Each station not only featured the children’s portrayal but also included reflections from both child and adult perspectives. This added depth to the performance, inviting the audience to engage with the story on multiple levels.

“By the Cross wasn’t just a play – it was a way for us to connect with Jesus’ story and think about how we can be better people, just like he was. It was special and made us all think about the true meaning of Easter.”

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