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29 Oct 2024

Enthusiasm for reading see books fly off the shelf at Good Shepherd Catholic School in Lockridge

Good Shepherd Catholic School in Lockridge has triumphed again in the Premier’s Reading Challenge.

For the third year in a row, the school won the 401 to 600 Category, with students from Pre-Primary to Year 6 showing incredible enthusiasm for the challenge.

The school’s library technician, Helen also won the Challenge Champion of Champions for the second year running. That award goes to one person across WA, with Helen receiving it after registering 98% of Good Shepherd students for the Challenge.

“I love the information, and I like books you have because they are interesting. I liked dressing up as Thelma the Unicorn. I like the reptile books,” said Sadie, Pre-Primary.

Nicole, Year 1 said:

“I love reading stories about nature and the world. I loved when DEWEY came to our school.”

Jazmine, Year 2 said:

“Reading is important because you learn new things and it is very interesting.”

Ariana, Year 3 said:

“Reading is fun because it is like a holiday. I loved the Premier’s Reading Challenge because we can read books.”

Saoirse, Year 4 said:

“Reading is fun because it helps your brain to develop and learn. It is fun to do when you are bored. It helps your spelling.”

Ifechukwu, Year 5 added:

“Reading is fun and important because it brings you into fascinating chapters of the book. I loved the Premier’s Reading Challenge because I could see how many books I read during that period.”

“Reading is important t because it can help your spelling and learning. The Premier’s Reading Challenge is educational,” said Christopher, Year 6.

Earlier this year the school hosted a very special visitor as part of its prize for having a large group of registrations: https://techteam04.com/cewa-news-25/reading-books-brings-joy-and-excitement-at-good-shepherd-catholic-school-lockridge/.

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