New staff joining Catholic schools in WA were commissioned earlier this term at ceremonies held across the state, including in Perth, Broome, Geraldton, Karratha, and Mullewa.
10 Mar 2025
New staff joining Catholic schools in WA were commissioned earlier this term at ceremonies held across the state, including in Perth, Broome, Geraldton, Karratha, and Mullewa.
On 4 February, nearly three-hundred staff were commissioned at St Mary’s Cathedral in Perth, where they were joined by Education Minister, Hon Dr Tony Buti, CEWA’s Executive Director, Wayne Bull and Chair of the Catholic Education Commission WA, Eva Skira.
A further 130 staff were commissioned in the Bunbury Diocese with 58 staff commissioned in the Broome Diocese and two staff commissioned in Mullewa.
Meanwhile, St Joseph’s School Boulder hosted the Commissioning Mass for the Goldfields cluster of Catholic schools.
The Commissioning of new staff is an important tradition for Catholic Education WA. It is a moment for the Catholic education community to come together and commit to playing their part in the mission of Catholic education. It is also a time where staff commit themselves to achieving the individual and shared goals they have set for the year.