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16 Sep 2024

Chisholm Catholic College Celebrates 35th Anniversary

Earlier this month, Chisholm Catholic College’s staff and students gathered to celebrate the school’s Feast Day – honouring Caroline Chisholm, the College’s Patron. The day focused on celebrating 35 years as a Catholic College by highlighting aspects of Chisholm’s values and heritage.

The College began by welcoming Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Perth, Bishop Donald Sproxton, as well as Dominican Sisters: Sr Margaret, Sr Edith, and Sr Myrtle, to a whole-school Chisholm Day Eucharistic Celebration, where Bishop Don was presented with a special gift.

It has been two years since former CEWA Executive Director, Debra Sayce approached the College Principal to ask whether the Chisholm community had the capacity and skills to take on the challenge of designing and producing a new Bishop’s staff (known as a crozier) for Bishop Don. He was not only celebrating a special birthday that year, but his original Bishop’s crozier, which he received as a gift when he first became a bishop, was in disrepair.

As a former student of St Mark’s College, which preceded Chisholm, Bishop Don has close ties to the College. A team, initially consisted of Mr Jason Auld and Mr John Swindells, worked with Bishop Don to gather ideas about what sort of crozier he would like and what symbolism the College might be able to incorporate. A Bishop’s crozier stems from the biblical symbolism of Christ as ‘the Good Shepherd’ and the model of leadership and stewardship with which Christ charged his disciples when he sent them out to share the Gospel.

“This is a moment of joy and a moment to reflect on what I have received in my own life through this school and then, of course, through this College.”

Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Perth, Bishop Donald Sproxton

This crozier and ornate case consist of timber sourced from Bishop Don’s original crozier, as well as timber salvaged from the original St Mary’s Cathedral in Perth after recent renovations. The choice of copper in the crozier reflects both Bishop Don’s humility and strength of faith. Blue resin highlights stylised aspects of Bishop Don’s own Bishop’s Crest and family crest, including the five fusils taken from his family crest: a Scots Lymphad, representing his family’s migration by boat to Australia, and the Fleur de Lis, representing both Our Lady’s role as Patroness of the Perth Archdiocese and Bishop Don’s devotion to Our Lady of Perpetual Help, which was pivotal in his calling to the priesthood.

The gift is the result of considerable planning, problem-solving, craftsmanship, fine joinery, attention to detail, and good old-fashioned elbow grease! Upon receiving the gift, Bishop Don led the Official Blessing of the Pontifical Insignia and publicly acknowledged and blessed the staff responsible for its production.

The gift was incredibly well received by Bishop Don, who expressed considerable emotion and humble gratitude in accepting his new carry case, stand, and crozier.

During his homily, after reflecting on the readings of the Mass and sharing his insight into the life of Caroline Chisholm, Bishop Don remarked on the gift, saying:

“This is a moment of joy and a moment to reflect on what I have received in my own life through this school and then, of course, through this College.”

The College were grateful for the presence of Bishop Don and the Dominican Sisters, who also celebrated their 125th anniversary of foundation in Australia this year.

After the Mass, the College went on to celebrate Chisholm Day, filled with colour, feasting and fun. All funds raised through the various events, stalls, and donations will support the numerous charities the College contributes to each year, including LifeLink, Wheelchairs for Kids and Vinnies.

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