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7 Nov 2024

Cardinal visits the Swan Valley!

Recently, His Eminence Cardinal Peter Okpaleke of Nigeria visited St Helena of the Holy Cross Parish in Ellenbrook.

Accompanied by St Helena of the Holy Cross parish priest, Fr Bonaventure Echeta, Cardinal Okpaleke visited the three parish schools: Emmaus Catholic Primary School in Dayton, St Helena’s Catholic Primary School, and Holy Cross College in Ellenbrook.

At Emmaus Catholic Primary School, Cardinal Okpaleke learnt about the school’s journey and listened attentively to plans for its rebuilding program.

During his time at St Helena’s Catholic Primary School, the Cardinal and Fr Bona joined staff in morning tea, before attending a liturgy and being taken on a school tour. Cardinal Okpaleke shared insights with the school about how children are greeted in Nigeria, emphasizing the message that Jesus is a friend to all.

The visit continued at Holy Cross College, where His Eminence visited and spoke with staff over a shared lunch before spending time with the Junior School at Hymn Singing. He also took time to visit the Middle and Senior classes and speak with the students.

Cardinal Peter’s visit not only strengthened the bonds within the Ellenbrook Parish community but also inspired the students with his messages of friendship and faith.

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