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29 Mar 2024

Art helps primary students reflect on passion story

Art and reflection were used to help Year 4 students from Our Lady’s Assumption Catholic Primary School express their Lenten journey.

Student Dao said that the ‘colouring of cross’ exercise, though it may seem like a simple exercise, helped him and his friends share their thoughts, reflect and ‘connect to the events Jesus faced.’

“I used vibrant purple colours in certain spots to demonstrate what I believe were the key elements of Lent. The spikes I added on Jesus’ head represented the crown of thorns he wore when he was crucified.”

“This knowledge has come my Religious Education lessons and from my family who incorporate their faith into all aspects our family life. I enjoyed showing my family my artwork and sharing my thoughts with them.”

“Seeing my son’s artwork really ‘hit on my heart strings’. We are so proud of Dao and it’s nice to know I’m doing something right instilling in him about our relationship with our God and Jesus at home,” Dao’s mother said.

Teachers, Mrs Dianne Scoble, Mrs Jodie McCarthy and Mr James Ryan added that these art sessions have been amongst the easiest to prepare and give to the students as they have been so engaged in the work.

The crosses were displayed on walls around the school during the Holy Week.

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