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4 Oct 2024

60-year reunion for class of 1964 at La Salle

In August, La Salle College welcomed back Michael Bleus OAM, Tom Darcey, Vince Debono, Len Derrick, Peter Gardner, Guy Laguna and Michael Smith in celebration of their 60-year de La Salle College reunion.

The former students enjoyed Community Mass followed by a tour of the College and morning tea. The Class of 1964 finished their visit with an engaging Q&A session in La Salle’s Senior Lecture Theatre with current Year 7s asking them all about life as a Lasallian in the 60’s.

The day was a lovely reminder about enduring friendships and the rich history of our College and the local Midland area.

Mike shared his memories of La Salle, saying:

“I attended St Michael’s Primary School in Bassendean for grades 1-4 and left at the end of Grade 4 as boys were not allowed to continue.

“As I lived in Ashfield the only way I could get to school was by catching the train from Ashfield to Midland. Some of my St Michael’s classmates would get on the train at the Bassendean Station and we’d travel together. On the way some de La students would get on at Guildford and East Guildford and we got to travel together and so got to know each other. We would then walk to school if the weather was ok or catch a bus from Midland Station and then along Great Northern Highway if the weather wasn’t so nice.

“I was ten when I started Grade 5 at de La Salle in 1959 and it was a boy only school. There were only four classrooms – two on ground level and two above them. There were no sporting facilities, and all education was conducted in each classroom. There were large numbers in each room as we had split classes. We stayed at our desks and the Brothers would change depending on the Subjects being taught.”

“In the Winter of 1960, we had several times to wade through Blackadder Creek to get to and from school. There is a picture in the Swan Express. In the early 1960s a couple of us ‘Basso’ students started riding our bikes to school in the summer.

“Their achievements and contributions to society reflect our vision for students to transform the world that they live in through their faith, commitment to excellence respect for all and service to others…”

La Salle Principal, Giovanna Fiume

“It was actually quicker than catching the train. I have remained friends to this day and catch up regularly with around five to six of my classmates. The Brothers encouraged studying and good students were rewarded. In fact, I received three books – second place in 1959, second place 1960 and first in Scripture in 1964.

“Also, in the early sixties two more classrooms were added and that really helped with the big class sizes. There were fifty-one students in our 1962 class photo and only twenty-five in the 1964 class photo. This is an indication of students who left for employment or transferred to a school to do their Leaving. Overall, I have some really good memories of de La Salle days.”

Asked how La Salle prepared him for life, Mike said:

“A lot of my values that I had I inherited from my parents and these were re-enforced at school. As I got older and sought promotion and moved into supervisory or managerial roles I did reflect on my relationships at school with various teachers/students.

“I learnt the value of studying the background/people in places where I applied for jobs. Sharing a classroom with students from various backgrounds helped a lot when working with similar groups in the workplace.”

La Salle Principal, Giovanna Fiume said:

“It was a privilege to welcome back members of the Class of 1964. Their return, 60 years after their graduation, is a powerful reminder of the lasting impact of Lasallian education.

“Their achievements and contributions to society reflect our vision for students to transform the world that they live in through their faith, commitment to excellence respect for all and service to others.

“The legacy of the Class of 1964 demonstrates that the principles we instil today will continue to guide and enrich our students’ lives for decades to come.”

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